Tag Archives: laws

What Happens When We Fail to Heed Sir Thomas More’s Warning

Five years ago, I offered 10 timely lessons from A Man for All Seasons (1966), and I’m sure many of us recently observed a high-profile example of what happens when #1 on that list is violated. We’ll get to that … Continue reading

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Star Trek’s Insights Into the Campus Rape Hysteria

Season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation is probably my favorite season of that show. It introduced us to the awkward yet lovable character of Reginald Barclay, offered a proper sendoff to Tasha Yar after her embarrassing departure from … Continue reading

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Joke of the Week: Soda Pop

What did the Midwest state call the law limiting the size of soft drinks? The answer is… The Mini Soda Law.      

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Joke of the Week: Silly Laws

What happened to the law requiring bananas to have two outer layers? The answer is…

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